G.R.O.W. Prologue

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G.R.O.W. Prologue

Original price was: €19.99.Current price is: €0.00.

Remember the Clock of Time will kill your dreams.

Procrastination is a killer of goals and objectives and one you must avoid constantly.

The Clock of Time ticks away our lives and we don’t see too easily.

You must avoid as much as possible and do the tasks and jobs that move you closer to your goals.

Remember doing uncomfortable tasks can quickly become second nature and habitual, so by doing this you will become much more efficient.

SKU: GROWPro Category:


Introduction This is a simple menu style that you can read and relate to and then you can link to the appropriate PowerBook.

I have built up my business over many years and rather than just talk about successes and how wonderful it all was, I am sharing in the form of a reflective menu-style pocket-sized reader, a sample of what I feel is appropriate and honest to overcome some challenges in your career.

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Weight1 kg